Aug 23, 2011

the project does not have any gwt sdks on its build path

Strange when this occurs although everything is configured well, build path as well as maven pom.xml file.
The solution i have found here is working.


Group not found: launchGroup

Happened to me in eclipse, unable to compile my project although it's not the issue.
I have found that in the work space directory there is a file named ".lock" in which eclipse creates.
After exiting Eclipse -> Deleting this file -> Entering again to eclipse -> Trying to compile the project succeeded.

See ya,


Aug 7, 2011

unable to find valid certification path to requested target


The issue: You are probably missing the certificate for the specific site you work with.

Solution: You need to add export the certificate for the site mentioned above, After exporting it, add it to the cacerts file of java (default file) which located usually here : "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\jre\lib\security".
(the default java password for this file is 'changeit').

* If you need the export procedure, tell me, it's simple i can guide you.

In the code, add this lines :

System.setProperty("", "path_to_cacerts_file/cacerts"); // for example c:\cert\cacerts
System.setProperty("", "changeit"); //unless you change it

You can also create your own certificate storage file and direct java to it instead.

Helpful link to keytool can be found here.